Shadow Birth Chart Reading (Live)


Shadow Birth Chart Reading (Live)


*This service opens for a limited number of readings each month. If it currently says sold out, then we have reached capacity for that month and will reopen bookings the following month.

This is a 60-min live reading done via Zoom. During this reading, I’ll go over shadow aspects of your chart that will help shed some light on where your blind spots and challenges are.

Some of the aspects highlighted will be your Chiron, Black Moon Lilith, South Node and hard aspects to your moon, Venus, Pluto, Saturn, 8H and 12H placements.

This is a hybrid of traditional Western astrology interpretation as well as intuitive guidance. I will also be offering a ritual for those who wish to begin their journey to transmuting the shadow energies brought up during the reading.

As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.

Once the reading has been purchased, you will be emailed with a scheduling link to choose the time of your reading.

There are no refunds for this service.

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